About ZSAnalytics - Data Analytics Experts

office (508) 925-0358


About Our Company

We are a team of highly qualified data analytics experts who create real value for our customers. Our past successful applications include credit risk evaluation and fraud prevention which have saved clients hundreds of millions of dollars.

Senior Leadership

Dr. Zhou's Linked In Profile Jiang (Jay) Zhou, PhD, has over a decade of experience using predictive analytics and data mining to manage credit risk and detect fraud in financial and telecommunication industries. His solutions have saved clients hundreds of millions dollars. Dr. Zhou has made presentations on fraud prevention and data analytics at American Bankers Association(ABA) conferences, Predictive Analytics World, Babson College and other events. Dr. Zhou has many innovations in data mining technologies. He has co-authored an award-winning paper, "Using genetic learning artificial neural networks for spatial decision making in GIS" (Nov., 1996, PE & RS) and "A wavelet transform method to merge Landsat TM and SPOT panchromatic data" (1998, IJRS) that has been one of the most cited in the field. He has an MS from Peking University, and a PhD from University of Connecticut.